Many songs are our favorite. We have a list of our favorite mp3 songs in our mobile phones and we want to make ringtone of our favorite mp3 songs. So How to make ringtone by cutting mp3 files with help of this app?The solution is “ABD Ringtone Maker and Mp3 Cutter”. Yes you can easily make ringtones by cutting any mp3 songs by this app in 3 easy steps.Making Ringtone of your favorite songs is very easy with it. ABD Ringtone Maker and Mp3 Cutter is a free app and only of size 3 Mb.It helps you to make ringtone. You can select exact time from where you want to cut the song with it. Just select the area and click save button to save your ringtone and assign the ringtone for your default ring. You can also assign different ringtones for different contacts.How to use ABD Mp3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker:1.Select mp3 songs from your mobile.2.Select area to be cut from your song.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.Why Download ABD Ringtone Maker and Mp3 Cutter:Choose your favorite song, cut and make ringtone.It is just 3.07MbEasy to use, so anyone can make mp3 ringtone.It is a free app.3 simple steps to cut mp3 song.